Contact person
Aneta Dedková - aneta.dedkova@dataspring.czBasic company information
Division DataSpring Cloud Services is part of the AUTOCONT Enterprise Business Unit that AUTOCONT has acquired with the acquisition of DataSpring. We provide professional cloud IT infrastructure services for computing, storage, and backup in two modern data centres. As a service, we offer the database and infrastructure for connectivity and security. We provide a self-service cloud service pleAzureStack.
Basic information about the product/solution
Green Drive
The Green Drive cloud service provides the customers a private data storage on the Nextcloud platform. The dedicated Green Drive environment is tailored-made to the specific customer and runs from a secured DataSpring data centre. The service addresses customers needs from the field of synchronization and file sharing in work teams, with external customers and business partners. Benefits for the Customer include: - Secured space for storage and file sharing - Full mobility (access to files from anywhere and from any devices) - High security – data is stored in provider’s own data centre located in the Czech Republic - Service Desk and local technical support in both Czech and English language
More information
Vinohradská 1511/230, Strašnice, 100 00 Praha 10