Export.cz about Czech Digital Solution
Czech exporters of information and communication technologies are often unaware that economic diplomats can significantly help them in their activities. They, in turn, need more specific information on what exactly they could support individual ICT companies in. The new Czech Digital Solutions platform, initiated by the ICT Union together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, opens eyes on both sides.

Sell your digital art and skills to the world!
The Czech Digital Solutions project is an offer of functional, high-quality and interesting Czech ICT solutions. Even after the experience with the COVID pandemic, the benefit and importance of quality ICT solutions is once again demonstrated, not only in the Czech Republic but also abroad. Functional ICT solutions are crucial in virtually all sectors, be it government, healthcare, transport, education and others.
List of categories
5+2 reasons to register
1 -> Basic membership is completely free.
2 -> The first service of this kind in the Czech Republic.
3 -> Make your company and your products visible in new communication and presentation channels.
4 -> Open doors to foreign markets.
5 -> In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and local embassies you will get the opportunity to arrange meetings with:
5.1 -> Relevant business partners in different regions of the world.
5.2 -> Potential clients from the public or private sphere in the target markets.
We offer two ways to join the catalogue and to work with us.
Basic (unpaid) collaboration and more advanced (paid) collaboration.
- Free
- Presentation within the on-line catalogue Czech Digital Solutions
- Invitations to business missions and other export initiatives
- Business contacts of local embassies
- Export signpost for easier orientation in the field of export services
- 21.900 CZK per year without VAT
- Dedicated coordinator
- Enhanced presentation and promotion
- Priority delivery of news and invitations
- Interactive map of regions
- Additional export services