Compelson s. r. o
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Dušan Kožušník - sales@compelson.comBasic company information
Compelson Labs was founded in 1991 and is known for its pioneering products, such as MOBILedit, currently used by millions of users worldwide for many mobile phone-related tasks. Our phone forensics products started the investigator industry of phone content analysis in 1996. For more than 20 years our forensic tools have been used by law-enforcement, military and investigators in more than 160 countries to find evidence and fight against crime and terrorism.
Basic information about the product/solution
MOBILedit Forensic
Czech Digital Law Solutions
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MOBILedit Forensic is an all-in-one solution for data extraction from phones, smartwatches and clouds. It utilizes both physical and logical data acquisition, has excellent application analysis, deleted data recovery, a wide range of supported devices, fine-tuned reports, concurrent processing, and easy-to-use interface. With a brand new approach, MOBILedit Forensic is much stronger in security bypassing than ever before. MOBILedit Forensic offers maximum functionality at a fraction of the price of other tools. It can be used as the only tool in a lab or as an enhancement to other tools with its data compatibility. When integrated with Camera Ballistics it scientifically analyzes camera photo origins. MAIN FEATURES: - Security bypassing with live updates - Physical data acquisition and analysis - Smartwatch forensics - Cloud forensics - Deleted data recovery - Advanced application analysis with live updates - Concurrent extractions with 64-bit engine - Wide range of supported phones - Object and face recognition - the power of artificial intelligence - Camera ballistics - scientific image analysis - Integration with other tools
More informationMOBILedit Cloud Forensic
Czech Digital Law Solutions
Australia and Oceania
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Central Africa
North Africa
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East Asia
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Central Asia
Central America and the Caribbean
Southeast Asia
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South Asia
South Africa
Scandinavian countries
Middle East
With a successful phone examination provided by MOBILedit Forensic PRO, you have almost everything necessary for a successful cloud extraction. This is because phone applications hold precious login information for most cloud services. Even without a phone, you can still access data from cloud services that are used by millions of people multiple times a day, everyday. MOBILedit Cloud Forensic is a complete cloud data forensic downloader and report generator for the most popular services. It can immediately start downloads when authentication information is found in a phone, and it can run multiple extractions concurrently when time is of the essence. MOBILEDIT CLOUD FORENSIC IS AVAILABLE IN TWO OPTIONS TO CATER TO BOTH NETWORK FORENSIC INTERCEPTION AND MOBILE DEVICE EXAMINERS: 1. Direct integration of Cloud Forensic with MOBILedit Forensic PRO - With this option, you can extract data from clouds via a mobile device connected to MOBILedit Forensic PRO. The credentials are extracted from the device, and cloud extraction is started as part of the phone examination process. These credentials are also saved so that an investigator can either use the token or the account login details at a later date. 2. Standalone software - For investigating cloud storage and cloud services without the need to examine mobile devices. Access to clouds using this method requires a password and a username or a token imported from another source. In both cases, you can investigate more than one cloud at a time, and extractions will run concurrently to help you work faster and retrieve more evidence quickly. FEATURES: • Automatic download of clouds using either an authorization token or a username and password credentials. These can be found, extracted, and saved from a phone during extraction and analysis with MOBILedit Forensic PRO. • Both authorization token access and username and password access are supported. An authorization token is a file saved on a computer or mobile device. It recognizes a device and account to allow a user to log in to a service without having to enter a username and password every time. • Manual access by entering a user name and password. • Immediate and concurrent downloads that enable an investigator to work effectively while extracting the maximum amount of data in the shortest time possible. Time is critical because a user can wipe all data, a token could expire, or a password could be changed. • Professional reports and exports in the following formats: pdf, html, xml, ufdr, and Excel. • Full file structure download. SUPPORTED SERVICES: • Box • Dropbox • Google Drive • Microsoft OneDrive • FTP • Facebook • Facebook Messenger • Google Contacts, Calendar, Keep • Instagram • LinkedIn • Slack • Twitter • Emails such as Gmail, Outlook, and many others through POP3, IMAP protocols • and more
More informationSmartwatch kit
Czech Digital Law Solutions
Australia and Oceania
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East Asia
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Central Asia
Central America and the Caribbean
Southeast Asia
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Middle East
Smartwatches are the world's most popular wearable electronics devices with unquestionable importance when it comes to forensic examinations. The personal data found in smartwatches can lead investigators in the right direction, especially when the phone is nowhere to be found. MOBILedit Forensic can even extract heartbeat details, which gives the investigator an intimate look into the life of the user. This data reveals moments of excitement, stress, and even time of death. For a successful investigation, examining smartwatches is a necessity. MOBILedit Forensic supports the extraction and analysis of the most popular smartwatches in the world. Not only does it support Apple Watch, but investigating other smartwatches, like Garmin, Samsung, or TCL, is now possible. This custom-made toolkit includes special connectors for extracting data from: • Apple • Garmin • Samsung • Alcatel • TCL • Huawei • and more WHAT TYPE OF DATA CAN YOU EXTRACT FROM A SMARTWATCH? • Device info • MAC addresses • UID • SW revision • Device data • Files • Photos with geolocation • Voice recordings • Application data • Notes • Personal data • User profiles - nickname, age, gender, weight, language, total active & sleep time • Activities - type, time interval, position, heart rate, altitude, speed, temperature, calories, etc. • Routes with maps • Health data - Extra heart rate & stress monitoring
More informationConnection Kit
Czech Digital Law Solutions
Australia and Oceania
North America
Central Africa
North Africa
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East Asia
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Central Asia
Central America and the Caribbean
Southeast Asia
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Middle East
This is a special collection of custom-made USB cables that covers the vast majority of phones ever manufactured and possibly available among users today. Save valuable time that you would have spent searching for older cables because this collection includes also discontinued and even legacy models. Everything is designed to allow for convenient and trouble-free work. The cables are short and well labeled. The briefcase is lightweight and the build quality is ready to handle the most rugged everyday usage.
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Jankovcova 1569/2c 170 00, Prague Czech Republic