Cross Zlín, a.s.
Contact person
Simona Kovaříková - kovarikova@cross.czBasic company information
CROSS Zlín has been engaged in the complete development and production of top technologies for intelligent transport infrastructure for more than 25 years. The product portfolio includes a wide range of technologies for road traffic. These include traffic management products, traffic detection and weighing while driving, road meteorology and winter maintenance support systems, an offense detection system and, last but not least, parking and payment systems.
NotePřehled produktů CROSS: Řízení dopravy, Detekce dopravy, Vážení za jízdy, Silniční meteorologie, Parkovací systémy, Detekce přestupků, Invipo.
Basic information about the product/solution
Australia and Oceania
North America
Central Africa
North Africa
South America
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Central Asia
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Scandinavian countries
eDaptiva is a software package for monitoring and controlling traffic in the city. It summarizes traffic intensity into clear statistics, maintains an overview of service events for road managers and has fully automated traffic management functions.
More information
CROSS Zlín, a.s. Hasičská 397, Louky 763 02 Zlín