CzechMath, a.s.
Contact person
Michal Chodák - michal.chodak@czechmath.comBasic company information
CzechMath is a new company from Brno (Czech Republic), that focuses on data analysis and machine learning. Thanks to the team of 13 experienced mathematicians, data analysts and software developers CzechMath offers broad experience and a range of skills to help you tackle complex problems.
Basic information about the product/solution
Optimalizace, predikce, datová analýza
Czech IoT Solutions
Czech Digital Transport Solutions
Western Europe
We specialize in data analysis. Our expertise lies in statistical analysis and models of machine learning - both supervised and unsupervised. Regression, classification, anomaly detection and clustering are our bread and butter. We focus, among other things, on data based on graph structure such as from energetics, traffic or IoT infrastructure. Enhancing data analysis with graph algorithms allows us to create optimization models and predictive control for IoT networks, energy portfolios, appliances as well as communication devices. We never back down from difficult tasks, in fact we welcome them.
More information
Jundrovská 618/31, 624 00 Brno-Komín