HRDLIČKA spol.s r.o.

Contact person

Ondřej Hrdlička MTCP (Hons) -

Basic company information


HRDLIČKA spol.s r.o. provides comprehensive services in the field of geodesy and geoinformatics. It offers solutions for the professional and wider public, private companies and state and public administration. HRDLIČKA spol.s r.o. operates the portal of professional builder MAWIS. The documentation of objects based on the acquisition of 3D data by various methods using technologies with output according to BIM standards is brought together by the BIM 3D Technologies service offer.

Basic information about the product/solution

Czech Digital Mapping Solutions
Czech 3D Solutions
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Scandinavian countries

MawisPhoto is a modern electronic service that allows you to use your mobile phone to document your constructions through 3D models.

More information
Czech Digital Mapping Solutions
Czech 3D Solutions
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Scandinavian countries

The BIM 3D Technologies offer includes the following services: Laser Scanning = Fast, accurate, and comprehensive object surveying resulting in a 3D point cloud image of reality. Photogrammetry = Quick and contactless data collection by digital cameras using unmanned aerial vehicles. BIM = A modern process of creating a 3D building model complete with graphical and descriptive information about all elements. Orthophotomap = We provide aerial images and orthophotomaps from history to the present. Determination of the Cubic Volume = The service works on the principle of calculating the volume of terrain change based on surveying the terrain before and after the landscaping.

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