SEFIRA spol. s r.o.
Contact person
Martin Jurík - jurikm@sefira.czBasic company information
SEFIRA is a specialist in eIDAS and PKI. We offer our own digitalization platform OBELISK with modules for eIDAS compliant signing, sealing, validation, preservation and storage of electronic documents – OBELISK manages over 1 billion of customer’s document. From PKI, we offer services of building certificate authorities, certificate lifecycle management systems and HSM delivery. We are Qualified Trust Service Provider and a member of Cloud Signature Consortium and European Signature Dialog.
Basic information about the product/solution
Czech e-Government Solutions
North Africa
South America
East Asia
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Central Asia
Central America and the Caribbean
Southeast Asia
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South Asia
South Africa
Scandinavian countries
Middle East
OBELISK is an eIDAS compliant digitalization platform consisting of integrated modules: OBELISK Signing Portal – modern signing portal offering numerous technical and legislation levels of an electronic signature including the most advanced – Qualified Remote Signature. OBELISK Seal – automated creation of electronic seal up to the qualified level. OBELISK Validator – validation of electronic signatures and seals across EU, also available as a Qualified Trust Service. OBELISK Trusted Archive – trustworthy preservation of electronic documents, signatures and seals. With evidence material, you can easily prove the document’s time of creation and its integrity even after the signing certificates exprired. OBELISK Storage – acting as a layer between business applications and underlying document storages. It offers storing the documents, zero-downtime data migration and more. OBELISK is available both on-premise and as a cloud service.
More information
Antala Staška 2027/77, Praha 4, 140 00, Česká Republika