Contact person
Drahomír Kalina - dkalina@uniscomp.czBasic company information
About UNIS COMPUTERS UNIS COMPUTERS is a renowned IT company with more than 26 years of experience, a wide range of services, and a team of over 40 top professionals. UNIS COMPUTERS is one of the leading IT companies in the Czech. Our competences start with the designs and implementations of ICT infrastructure, through the creation of state-of-the-art IT units as data centres, to provision of data security. We are a strong partner who will take care of highly efficient IT solutions for all.
Basic information about the product/solution
Profesionální řešení bezpečnosti IT, IT infrastruktur.
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
IT Security Keeping data of a variety of entities in the commercial and non-commercial environment is one of the main challenges and, at the same time, advantages of functioning IT. We provide our clients with a high level of IT security. We provide ongoing protection against computer viruses, unauthorised data access, visual premise security, and more. IT Security LAN and WLAN access control Dynamic, centrally configured control of access to wired and wireless local networks represents the basic building block for securing data access in a computer network. Identification and subsequent access control is possible based on the device or user's identity. The solution is suitable for organisations of all sizes and fields that need device and user identification. Based on the authenticated identity, access to computer network resources will be ensured according to the defined rules. You will never again encounter a situation where, for example, somebody who has access to a data socket would be able to connect to a computer network. IT Security Protection of the LAN perimeter Protect against attacks on your local network. This solution is suitable for anyone who requires high-quality LAN security. Thanks to this security, there is no need to worry about the disruption of work and the financial loss resulting from data theft.
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Jundrovská 31