
Contact person

Susan Simonová -

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Logistics, Transport

Yedem is an app that offers a truly fair algorithm for booking parking spaces and efficient carpooling for companies looking to save their employees' time and reduce their carbon footprint at a time of increasing traffic congestion and environmental concerns.

Basic information about the product/solution

Yedem Garage
Czech Smart City Solutions
Czech Innovative Management and Office Solutions
Czech Digital Transport Solutions
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Western Europe

An app that fairly distributes parking spaces among employees. Automate everything around parking and save time on administration. Manage the entire car park from one place: visits, bookings and usage overview.

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Yedem Carpool
Czech Smart City Solutions
Czech Innovative Management and Office Solutions
Czech Digital Transport Solutions
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Western Europe

Yedem Carpool is a system for corporate carpooling. You make it easier for your employees to commute to work, they save money on travel and get a parking space. And you get data on carbon footprint reduction to use in your ESG report.

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