
Zdeněk Zajíček, President of the Hospodářská komora ČR
"The new export product of our country has become top Czech information and communication technologies. Czech antivirus programs are used by hundreds of millions of people, Czech 3D printers are gaining ground, titles by Czech game developers are topping global sales charts, and we are pioneers in measuring and analysing customer behaviour data for the world's largest conglomerates. And it is the key domestic ICT companies, their advanced technologies and innovations that we want to introduce to the world. We want the Czech Republic to be promoted abroad, alongside traditional industries, as a country of cutting-edge ICT products and services, highly skilled people and a developed information society."

Vladimír Dlouhý, President of Eurochambres
"The Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic, as the largest business network in the Czech Republic, naturally does not miss the topic of digitalization. In this respect, we know that we have a lot to offer as a country, and our ICT companies often cross the borders of this country and our ICT solutions inspire the world. In order to make such an offer by Czech companies more transparent and to be able to promote it abroad, we have teamed up with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and come up with the Czech Digital Solutions project. I believe that this offer will support the expansion of Czech ICT solutions and thanks to the cooperation with our diplomats we will be able to show that the Czech Republic has something to offer the world in this respect."

Martin Tlapa, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Canada
"We believe that as the Czech Republic we have something to offer the world in the ICT industry. After our successful cooperation in offering Czech solutions in the healthcare sector, we want to put Czech ICT solutions on the world map! We are pleased that we can do this in cooperation with the Czech Chamber of Commerce as trusted partners."
Economic diplomacy

Helena Schulzová, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Germany
"I am very pleased that the new catalogue of ICT solutions Czech Digital Solutions, which is put together by the HCCR together with the ICTU, is now available. This is a tremendously useful tool for us because we, as economic diplomats, are not able to cover everything that is happening in Czech ICT. And in Germany, for example, there are a huge number of opportunities for ICT today. And thanks to our catalogue, we will be able to connect Czech supply with German demand much better. I wish the catalogue to have as many companies in it as possible and I will be looking forward to using it."

Zuzana Stiborová, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Mexico
"Mexico, as the 16th largest economy in the world with free access to the markets of the United States and Canada, as well as Latin American countries, offers countless business opportunities for Czech products and Czech solutions. This is both in the private and public sectors. The Covid-19 pandemic only accelerated the technological boom in Mexico and pushed the digital transformation forward by several years. Therefore, local partners are in high demand for advanced IT solutions and products, often quite specific. And since our job as economic diplomats is to connect Czech supply with foreign demand, I am very pleased that a comprehensive platform of Czech information and communication solutions is being created. The platform Czech Digital Solutions. I see it as a great tool for presenting Czech companies, Czech technologies and Czech solutions abroad. And for us, economic diplomats, it is certainly a useful source of information about the latest developments in the Czech ICT community. I believe that with it, we can better open doors to foreign markets for our companies."

Petr Manoušek, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Singapore
"I am very pleased that a digital catalogue of Czech ICT solutions is being created in the Czech Republic, the Czech Digital Solutions platform, which provides an overview and up-to-date data on ICT solutions that are emerging in the Czech Republic and want to conquer global markets. We in Singapore are ready and willing to help them on this journey. In Singapore, as well as in other regions of the world, there are many business opportunities emerging locally in the public and commercial sectors where Czech solutions can find applications and be better alternatives. However, they are often not known or we ourselves are not sure who we should approach, introduce and talk about. I believe that the Czech Digital Solutions platform will make it easier for us to find our way around the Czech ICT industry and help us to conquer the world with Czech solutions. We are looking forward to meeting you, your technologies and mutual cooperation."