
Contact person

David Pavlis -

Basic company information

Information Technology

CloverDX has been working at the coalface of data challenges since 2007. We’ve worked with companies large and small around the world, in industries such as finance, healthcare and consulting, to help them build and manage better data pipelines and deliver better data outcomes.

Basic information about the product/solution

CloverDX Data Integration Suite
Czech FinTech Solutions
North America
East Asia
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Scandinavian countries

Manage data processes of any complexity, in cloud or on-premise Consolidate your team skills from siloed projects into a single data design and operations platform. The CloverDX Designer and Server enable you to quickly build and deploy end-to-end data pipelines, creating transparent, scalable workflows that are easy to manage and maintain.


Produkt/rešení je v kategorii Data Management - tato kategorie chybí v seznamu

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