Innovation Path s.r.o.
Contact person
Michal Klodner - michal.klodner@innovationpath.euBasic company information
We deliver automation solutions and automation-related digitalisation services including RPA and IT consulting. Innovation Path was founded in 2017 by former big four business consultants who were looking to provide high-impact robotic process automation solutions in a meaningful and agile manner. We develop client-specific automation solutions for companies looking to increase process efficiency and workflow innovation by enriching business strategies with elements of RPA.
NoteNaše aplikace pro automatizované zpracování dokumentů Vyvinuli jsme vlastní samostatnou aplikaci pro automatizaci klíčových prvků v procesu finančního účetnictví. Pomocí umělé inteligence vytěžíme informace z faktur a dalších relevantních dokumentů a vytváříme datové sady pro přímý import do účetních a ERP systémů.
Basic information about the product/solution
Robotická procesní automatizace
Czech FinTech Solutions
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Introduction of digital workers and virtual assistants (Robotic Desktop Automation) Implementation of object character recognition (OCR) and elements of artificial intelligence Development of internal robotics departments and robotic centres of excellence
More informationIT a digitální poradenství
Czech FinTech Solutions
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Design of digital visions and automation strategies Business process redesign Workflow standardization and optimization
More informationVývoj aplikací na klíč
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Standalone applications for the automation of key process elements Customized process tool development
More information
Dukelských hrdinů 567/52, Praha 7, 170 00