miitis.ai s.r.o.
Contact person
Tomáš Vika - tomas.vika@miitis.aiBasic company information
miitis.ai s.r.o. manages a private alternative fund and is registered in the List of entities providing services comparable to investment fund management according to Section 15 of the Act. No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment funds (aka „ZISIF“) which is maintained by the Czech National Bank („CNB“). These funds are also known as "Family & Friends Funds".
Basic information about the product/solution
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Scandinavian countries
Cryptocurrency, quant, intra-day, fully automated algorithmic trading model based on time-series data analysis and forecasts by recurrent neural networks. Trading strategy predicting exchange rates movements up to four hours horizon successfully executing since 2018! miitis.ai s.r.o. manages a private alternative fund and is registered in the List of entities providing services comparable to investment fund management according to Section 15 of the Act. No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment funds (aka „ZISIF“) which is maintained by the Czech National Bank („CNB“). These funds are also known as "Family & Friends Funds".
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Dukelských hrdinů 975/14, Praha 7