NEWPS.CZ s.r.o.
Contact person
Tereza Lomničková - tlomickova@newps.czBasic company information
We specialize in IT processes, digitization, data protection and access management. Since the creation of the company in 2001 we established ourselves as one of the leading suppliers of Czech eGovernment systems (such as Czech POINT or Information System of Data Boxes). Furthermore, we also provide IT solutions for private sector and local governments. In recent years we have worked on projects combining the field of IT and the field of law. We work both with domestic and international clients.
Basic information about the product/solution
PES - Právní elektronický systém
Czech Digital Network Security and Cyber Security Solutions
Czech Digital Law Solutions
Czech Digital Identity Solutions
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Scandinavian countries
Právní elektronický systém (PES = Legal Electronic System) is an unprecedented project which incorporates a unique combination of law and I.T. It allows lawyers to analyze legal measures (such as laws and regulations) to the level of individual obligations using the complex electronic form, and thus not only to get an overview of specific regulations, but also of the whole legal framework. It offers entrepreneurs, businessmen, traders or other professionals the chance to be better acquainted with the complicated system of obligations imposed on them by law which are enforced and sanctioned by public authorities. In this way, the PES helps an entrepreneur to clearly monitor all of his duties and ensures that he will solve everything duly and on time. All of that can be done in one place, online and free from unnecessary paperwork. Thus, the PES reduces its users bureaucratic burden and enables them to dedicate all of their precious time to running their own business and not to lose it while trying to orientate in complex regulations. Furthermore, the PES offers several useful functions to simplify your work within the system and your day-to-day business. The clients will find the “Calendar of the Duties“ with an indication of a date when an obligation has to be carried out, so they will not miss any deadline. In addition, thanks to the “Life Situations“ function, our user is able to deal with the duties resulting from newly arisen situations inherently connected to his business, such as a recruitment of a new employee or a change of the registered office, in rapid and effective manner. Moreover, the PES contains “Delegation“, the option to delegate selected obligations/duties to your co-worker or subordinate. By just a few clicks you pick the obligations which belong, for instance, to the field of responsibility of HR or your accountant. These obligations will then be delegated to them, and you can freely pursue the main goals of your business. For the permanent control of your duties, you can also benefit from the useful mobile application. The PES is comprehensible (it provides a customized overview of relevant obligations), effective (it cuts down your bureaucratic burden) and reliable (thanks to the continuous updates all of your duties are always up to date). The PES marks the end of countless hours of desperate attempts to make sense of legislative measures, the end of futile expenses spend on legal advice and the end of heavy fines.
More information
Vyskočilova 1422/1a, Praha 4 - Michle