Phonexia s.r.o.
Contact person
Kateřina Zemanová - katerina.zemanova@phonexia.comBasic company information
Phonexia is a Czech independent software company, founded in 2006, with transparent ownership. Cooperating closely with the Brno University of Technology, Phonexia is transforming the latest scientific breakthroughs into highly accurate voice biometric and speech recognition solutions. Phonexia Speech Platform offers a wide range of innovative technologies, and Phonexia Orbis helps with rapid audio investigations. Governed by EU law, Phonexia powers projects in over 60 countries worldwide.
Basic information about the product/solution
Phonexia Voice Inspector
Czech Digital Network Security and Cyber Security Solutions
Czech Digital Identity Solutions
North America
Central Africa
North Africa
South America
East Asia
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Central Asia
Central America and the Caribbean
Southeast Asia
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South Asia
South Africa
Scandinavian countries
Used by the German Federal Criminal Police, Phonexia Voice Inspector is an out-of-the-box solution that provides police forces and forensic experts with a highly accurate speaker recognition tool to support effective criminal investigations and give evidence in court. It is based on the state-of-the-art Phonexia Voice Biometrics technology powered by artificial intelligence, allowing exceptional accuracy.
More informationPhonexia Speech Platform
Czech Digital Network Security and Cyber Security Solutions
Czech Digital Identity Solutions
Australia and Oceania
North America
Central Africa
North Africa
South America
East Asia
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Central Asia
Central America and the Caribbean
Southeast Asia
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South Asia
South Africa
Scandinavian countries
Phonexia Speech Platform, powered by cutting-edge deep neural networks, is an easy-to-integrate platform that packs a wide range of high-performance speech recognition and voice biometrics technologies. It enables to process and analyze 100% of audio automatically for what is being said (Speech to Text), in what language (Language Identification), and by whom (Speaker Identification). Offered as highly scalable, on-premise software, it meets the strictest data security requirements and integrates into custom solutions seamlessly.
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Chaloupkova 3002/1a