Solutia s.r.o.
Contact person
Martin Stufi - martin.stufi@solutia.czBasic company information
Information Technology
Solutia s.r.o. is a purely Czech company founded on providing top-notch and unique IT solutions to its customers. Our motto is: "Idea and solution together". Our company is rated by Dun & Bradstreet and Bisnode in terms of risk as AAA+, the company with the lowest level of risk.
Basic information about the product/solution
Oracle řešení, Service Desk, Bezpečnost v IT, Big Data, Citrix, Monitoring, Vývoj SW, konzultace
Czech IoT Solutions
Czech Innovative Management and Office Solutions
Czech FinTech Solutions
Czech e-Government Solutions
Czech Innovative Management and Office Solutions
Czech FinTech Solutions
Czech e-Government Solutions
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe

Vršovická 1461/64