World from Space s.r.o.
Contact person
Jan Labohý - labohy@worldfrom.spaceBasic company information
Public sector
Agriculture, Food industry
World from Space is a geospatial company focusing on Earth Observation (EO) data processing and analysis. It has experience with multispectral and SAR data processing, analysis and visualization, machine learning, and integration of the resulting products into GIS and software platforms. WFS performs analysis in the areas of agriculture, cities, air quality, development aid, and the environment. WFS is responsible for the data processing of the European Space Agency(ESA) AMBIC mission.
Basic information about the product/solution
Australia and Oceania
North America
Central Africa
North Africa
South America
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Central Asia
Central America and the Caribbean
Southeast Asia
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South Asia
South Africa
Scandinavian countries
Middle East
The company’s main product DynaCrop enables users of modern machinery and digital farming tools (Trimble, John Deere, Kuhn, AgLeader, etc.) to start applying fertilizers, seeds, plant growth regulators, and biostimulants at a variable rate. DynaCrop provides satellite-based prescription maps for any field in the world, in any kind of weather. Dynacrop is API “computer to computer” interface that can be integrated into digital farming tools in a matter of weeks. It provides advanced vegetation monitoring for agriculture, AI, and other companies running their own digital farming solution. The service offers value-added products based on expertise in earth observation and big data processing for agricultural purposes.
More informationORBIS
Australia and Oceania
North America
Central Africa
North Africa
South America
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Central Asia
Central America and the Caribbean
Southeast Asia
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
South Asia
South Africa
Scandinavian countries
Middle East
ORBIS helps new space companies with a hardware/upstream focus to deliver full satellite missions to their customers. It processes raw data gathered from the sensors into a form understandable to end-users. ORBIS is a server-based/cloud-based Software-as-a-service. ORBIS is a downstream modular EO satellite data processing pipeline from raw/Level-0 to standard data suited for use and further analyses (Level-2, Level-3, analysis-ready data). It provides flexible processing capabilities to deliver quality data products for land and water management, agriculture, spatial intelligence, and security. ORBIS offers standardized metadata and product packaging system as well as the data quality management system.

Orlí 20, Brno