IOTOR a.s.
Contact person
Jiří Semotán - jiri.semotan@iotor.ioBasic company information
IOTOR, a member of the OKIN Group, is a leading integrator of IoT technologies and producer of an unique SARAhub environment. Thanks to the deployment of non-invasive metering, analysis of the obtained data and transmission of the necessary information where it is needed, we help companies to reduce their operating costs for energy, machine maintenance and the environment and improve their efficiency overall.
Basic information about the product/solution
Czech IoT Solutions
East Asia
Central and South-Eastern Europe
Southeast Asia
Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Scandinavian countries
Middle East
SARAhub (Smart Assets Rapid Action) is easy-to-use environment for highly responsive IoT. SARAhub acts as a central nervous system for your assets – receiving information, processing it and triggering action when necessary in response to important events. It enables you to displays sensors and devices in hierarchical dashboards, creating digital twin of your environment. It allows you to set up automated responses to specific situations, data consolidation, and many other features Integration and responsiveness are key advantages of SARA.hub. Integration of both different systems on input and output and different agendas into one environment. There is no need to deploy various systems for environmental monitoring, equipment maintenance or readings and energy control. All is in one environment, in which it is then possible to define reactions to different situations.
More information
Průmyslový Park Harfa, Poděbradská 540/26